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2023-2024 Bushfire Season

2024 Bushfire Season

Current Events

Risk Assessment

Establish A Plan

Prepare Your Property

Prepare Your Family

Building In A Fire-Zone



Australia is an incredible place to live but unfortunately, bushfires have been, and will continue to be a large threat to the country’s environment, animals, people, businesses and communities.

If you own or are purchasing property in Australia, it is essential to consider whether you’re at risk in the case of a bushfire and what actions you can take to ensure that your family and your greatest assets are protected.

Current Events
Are you at risk?

2023 - 2024


2024 Fire Danger Dates
Bushfire Australia


31St MARCH 2024

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Did you catch Episode 6 of Building Ideas?

We had the pleasure of working with the team at Channel 9 to film for an episode of Building Ideas, Season 2.
The episode aired on Sunday the 31st of March, where CRIBB was featured, along with the building experts at Dechellis Homes.

Our Business Development Manager, James Snelgrove met with Jessica Braithwaite and the filming crew at our customer’s Adelaide Hills property, where they discussed bushfire protection, and demonstrated the ultimate Spray System to protect your home.


“Working with the Building Ideas team gave us an opportunity to reach out to the wider community with our CRIBB Bushfire Mitigation Systems. The professional approach and assistance from the Building Ideas team made our experience that much more enjoyable.

The transition from filming to the TV screen was seamless, while still being able to showcase the intricacies in our product and design. We are again thankful to Building Ideas and the film team for allowing us to add our personal touch, while being guided by professional standards from the best in the business!

If you missed our segment, please head over to 9NOW, Building Ideas, Season 2, to view the latest technology in Bushfire Spray Mitigation.” - James Snelgrove


bushfire resilience day 2024

On February the 16th 2024, we joined the CFS in observing ‘Bushfire Resilience Day’.
We honour the memory of those who tragically lost their lives in South Australian bushfires, salute the resilience of those who have rebuilt their lives after such disasters, and inspire positive actions towards enhancing bushfire resilience.

Over the years, bushfires have devastated our communities and environment, impacting lives, homes, animals, and livelihoods, and the mental health toll on affected communities remains a lasting concern.
With climate change driving the likelihood of more severe and frequent climatic events, the importance of education, awareness, and support in building resilience against emergencies cannot be overstated.

Following the 2019-2020 bushfire season, we saw an overwhelming amount of support towards those effected, and witnessed communities come together to help rebuild what had been destroyed.
Their support, along with the perseverance of the victims has not gone unnoticed. Today we commemorate them and reflect on the strength of our community in the face of bushfire challenges. As we remember those we’ve lost, acknowledge the resilience of survivors, and commit to bolstering our defences, let’s unite in building a safer, more resilient South Australia!





Preparation Before Fire Danger Season
This involves actions like property maintenance, creating a fire-resistant perimeter around the property, and ensuring adequate firefighting equipment is available.


Annual Review

Regularly reviewing the plan allows for updates based on changes in circumstances, property layout, or new information about fire risks.

Write It Down
Having the plan documented ensures that all family members have access to it and can refer to it in times of need.

Bushfire Rating

Regular Practice

Practicing the plan helps ensure that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities, increasing the likelihood of a smooth response during an emergency.

Include Everyone
It's important to involve all family members, including the young and elderly, in the planning process to ensure everyone's safety.

Covering Various Scenarios
The plan should outline actions to take before, during, and after a bushfire, as well as on Total Fire Ban days when fire risk is high.

Plans should be flexible enough to adapt to unforeseen circumstances, such as sudden changes in weather conditions or evacuation routes.

Bushfire Preparation


  1. Drafting and Rehearsing Your Bushfire Survival Plans
    Your plan serves as the cornerstone of your survival strategy.

  2. Understanding Bushfire Dynamics
    Familiarise yourself with the behaviours and characteristics of bushfires, which are influenced by factors like vegetation, terrain, and climate.

  3. Identifying High Fire Risk Days
    Learn to discern the indicators and terminology associated with days of elevated fire danger.

  4. Securing Your Home and Surroundings
    Even if evacuation is your primary strategy, a well-prepared home significantly improves its chances of withstanding a bushfire.

  5. Compiling Emergency Kits
    Organise essential items into three kits:

    • Relocation Kit: Items to take when evacuating

    • Survival Kit: Supplies necessary for enduring the fire

    • Recovery Kit: Resources needed immediately after the fire for the following 24-48 hours.

  6. Taking Action During High Fire Risk Days
    Implement your preparedness measures and plans when faced with heightened fire danger.

  7. Assessing Physical and Emotional Preparedness
    Realistically evaluate your capabilities and limitations. Ensure that both you and your family comprehend the emotional and physical toll a bushfire may exact, including fear, stress, and potential threats to personal well-being.


​The CFS (Country Fire Service) provides valuable, informative and useful resources, which allow for a quick and simple process in helping you set up your bushfire plan. Click the links below and create your bushfire plan today!

5 Minute Bushfire Plan

Bushfire Survival Plan Template



When assessing the risk to your property and surrounding areas, always bare in mind that no two properties are alike.

Here are some of the things that you may need to assess to help evaluate the bushfire risk to your property and the potential for disastrous results:

1. Is there a natural path for the bushfire to approach? E.g. sloping hills, valleys, trees, scrub and bushland. These conditions can assist in creating high winds, increased radiant heat and fast moving fire fronts

2. Evaluate the house location in relation to the above. Is the home at the top or bottom of the valley or slope or near trees?


Vegetation Management:

  • Identify and map the types and density of vegetation surrounding the property.

  • Assess the distance between vegetation and structures.

  • Identify overhanging branches, dead vegetation, and accumulation of leaf litter.

Structural Vulnerability:

  • Assess the structural integrity of buildings, including roofing materials, siding, windows, and doors.

  • Identify vulnerable areas such as eaves, vents, and gaps where embers could enter.

Access and Escape Routes:

  • Evaluate accessibility for emergency vehicles and evacuation routes.

  • Identify obstacles such as narrow roads, low bridges, or vegetation overgrowth.

Water and Firefighting Equipment:

  • Assess the availability and adequacy of water sources for firefighting.

  • Identify the presence of firefighting equipment such as hoses, pumps, and sprinkler systems.


  • Risks such as woodpiles, hay sheds, fuel storage or gas bottles

  • Is there a potential of your home catching alight due to dry timber fascias, open eaves and gables, dirty gutters or even outside furniture, door mats and maybe the dog’s kennel?

  • Is there a risk of radiant heat affecting plate glass?

  • Do you have a house on raised posts where the radiant heat or fire can get under the home?

  • Have you got overhanging verandahs able to catch and retain the radiant heat, therefore, introducing another risk? (Verandahs act like sails and hold the hot air and radiant heat against the walls and windows)

  • Do you have dry pergolas surrounding the house?

  • Do you have plastic roof sheeting or skylights that can melt and burn, giving off toxic fumes?

  • Do you have air conditioners that can catch the sparks?

Bushfire Season



Step 1: Vegetation Management

  • Identify and remove flammable vegetation within a specified distance of structures.

  • Prune trees and shrubs to create a firebreak and reduce the risk of ember attack.

  • Clear dead vegetation, leaf litter, and other combustible materials from around your property.


Step 2: Structural Hardening

  • Retrofit buildings with ember-resistant materials such as metal roofing and non-combustible siding.

  • Seal gaps, cracks, and vents to prevent embers from entering the structure.

  • Install ember guards on vents, gutters, and other vulnerable areas.


Step 3: Establish Defensible Space

  • Create a defensible space around structures by maintaining a buffer zone free of flammable materials.

  • Ensure that access roads are clear and wide enough for emergency vehicles to maneuver.

  • Clear vegetation along access roads, maintain driveways, and ensure clear signage for emergency responders.

  • Store flammable materials such as firewood and propane tanks away from buildings.


Step 4: Firebreaks and Perimeter Defense

  • Establish firebreaks or fuel breaks around the perimeter of your property to halt the spread of fire.

  • Use natural features such as driveways, roads, and water bodies as firebreaks where possible.

  • Maintain a well-irrigated perimeter around your property to reduce fire intensity.

Step 5: Water Supply and Firefighting Equipment

  • Install and maintain firefighting equipment such as hoses, pumps, and sprinkler systems.

  • Ensure that firefighting equipment is easily accessible and in good working condition.

  • Establish a water supply for firefighting purposes.

Step 6: Emergency Preparedness

  • Develop and practice a bushfire emergency plan with family members and neighbors.

  • Establish communication protocols for receiving emergency alerts and updates.

  • Prepare an emergency evacuation kit with essential supplies and important documents.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance and Review

  • Conduct regular inspections and maintenance of your property to identify and address potential hazards.

  • Review and update your bushfire preparedness plan annually or as needed to account for changes in circumstances or new information.

Bushfire Sprinkler System


Preparing your family and yourself for bushfires is essential for ensuring safety and readiness in the event of an emergency. This summary provides guidance on key actions to take to prepare your family and yourself effectively.

Step 1: Stay Informed

  • Stay informed about bushfire risks in your area by monitoring weather forecasts, bushfire alerts, and updates from local authorities.

  • Sign up for emergency alerts and notifications through official channels such as emergency services websites or mobile apps.

  • Familiarize yourself with the Bushfire Danger Ratings and understand what each level means for your safety.


Step 2: Develop a Bushfire Emergency Plan

  • Create a comprehensive bushfire emergency plan with input from all family members.

  • Identify multiple evacuation routes from your home and establish a designated meeting point outside the evacuation zone.

  • Assign responsibilities to each family member and ensure everyone understands their role in the event of a bushfire.

Bushfire Emergency kit

Step 3: Practice Evacuation Drills

  • Conduct regular evacuation drills with your family to practice evacuation procedures and test communication channels.

  • Ensure that everyone knows how to safely evacuate the home and where to go in case of separation.

  • Practice using emergency evacuation kits and familiarize yourself with their contents.


Step 4: Prepare an Emergency Kit

  • Assemble an emergency kit containing essential supplies such as non-perishable food, water, medications, first aid supplies, and important documents.

  • Customize the emergency kit to meet the specific needs of your family, including supplies for infants, elderly family members, and pets.

  • Keep the emergency kit in a readily accessible location and ensure that all family members know where it is located.

Step 5: Stay Connected and Support Each Other

  • Maintain open communication with family members about bushfire risks and emergency preparedness efforts.

  • Support each other emotionally during times of stress and uncertainty, and be prepared to offer assistance to neighbors and community members in need.

  • Stay connected with friends, relatives, and neighbors to share information and support each other during a bushfire emergency.


Step 6: Review and Update Regularly

  • Review and update your bushfire emergency plan and emergency kit regularly to ensure that they remain current and effective.

  • Stay informed about changes in bushfire risks and adapt your preparedness efforts accordingly.

  • Seek support and guidance from local emergency services and community organizations as needed.




Sprinkler System


Ensuring the safety of your home and loved ones from bushfires entails various measures, such as:

  • Deciding where to position your home on your land

  • Selecting suitable building materials

  • Crafting the house design

  • Landscaping choices

​All these elements can play a crucial role in safeguarding your home during a bushfire.


When erecting a new residence in a rural setting, several considerations come into play:

  • Optimal house placement and design

  • Implementing ember-proofing measures for the house and other structures

  • Installing metal shutters for windows

  • Establishing a reserve water supply, along with pumps, hoses, and sprinkler systems.

Thoughtful landscaping around your property can significantly enhance its resilience during a bushfire. Effective vegetation management offers numerous advantages in such scenarios, including:

  • Diminishing fire intensity

  • Lowering wind velocity

  • Redirecting and screening embers

  • Providing a shield against radiant heat


When erecting a new residence in a rural setting, several considerations come into play:

  • Optimal house placement and design

  • Implementing ember-proofing measures for the house and other structures

  • Installing metal shutters for windows

  • Establishing a reserve water supply, along with pumps, hoses, and sprinkler systems.

Thoughtful landscaping around your property can significantly enhance its resilience during a bushfire. Effective vegetation management offers numerous advantages in such scenarios, including:

  • Diminishing fire intensity

  • Lowering wind velocity

  • Redirecting and screening embers

  • Providing a shield against radiant heat


Establish your fire plan
Prepare your property
Prepare your family
Building in a bushfire zone

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